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All students enrolled in full-day prekindergarten, kindergarten, or grades 1-5 in an elementary school setting are required to participate in physical activity for a minimum of either 30 minutes daily or 135 minutes weekly in a TEKS-based physical education class or a TEKS-based structured activity, including structured recess. State law requires that at least 50 percent of a PE course (on a weekly basis) comprise actual student physical activity at a moderate or vigorous level while meeting the needs of students of all ability levels.

In Physical Education, students acquire the knowledge and skills for movement that provide the foundation for enjoyment, continued social development through physical activity, and access to a physically active lifestyle.  They learn fundamental movement skills and begin to understand how the muscles, bones, heart, and lungs function in relation to physical activity. Students begin to develop a vocabulary for movement and apply concepts dealing with space and body awareness. They are engaged in activities that develop basic levels of strength, endurance, and flexibility. In addition, students learn to work safely in group and individual movement settings. 

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